Folder Size Explorer - How to Find Out How Large a File Is
If you're wondering how to find out how large a file is, Folder Size Explorer is a useful tool. The program lists all files and folders by size and sort them from largest to smallest. You can export the file or folder size list to CSV, XML, or even PDF format. If you're unsure about what the exact file size is, you can also sort the list by age or longest path length to help you determine its relative size.
If you don't want to open the program's interface, you can also scan the disk with the program. You can sort folders and files according to their sizes by size and percent of total disk space. You can also see the percentage of the folder's size by viewing its report. Folder Size Explorer also scans subfolders, so you can determine how much space each one takes up. Once you're finished, you can delete any files you don't need anymore.
Another option is to open a folder's properties and see the size of the contents within. This option is available in Windows 10 but doesn't scan anything on startup. However, this method isn't very convenient, particularly if you need to do a disk cleanup. You can also check the option to prevent Folder Size Explorer from starting on Windows startup by unchecking it in the Quick Access menu. Alternatively, you can open the Folder Size Explorer in the File Explorer by using the Windows 10 "Run As" shortcut.